Frequently asked questions

Where can I buy Jordan products?

Jordan has distributors in over 50 countries, and the vendors might vary. Have a look at our ditributor contact to find your local market and ask about local vendors: Some of our products are also available on Amazon:

Jordan started making toothbrushes in 1927, but the Jordan company was actually started in 1837. The danish Wilhelm Jordan started his business in Oslo, making combs. Read more about Jordan’s story here:

Our products are developed in Norway, but since our founder is Danish and our toothpaste is made in Falun, Sweden, we often consider ourselves a Scandinavian brand.

Where are your toothpastes made?

Jordan’s toothpastes are made in Falun, Sweden.

None of the ingredients used in Jordan toothpastes contain any animal ingredients, we do not perform any tests on animals in our product development, and none of our products have ever been tested on animals.

Our toothpastes do not contain micro plastics.

All of our toothpastes have the reccomended amount of fluroide in them. This because it is well documented in literature that fluoride strengthens the teeth and prevents caries. Despite increased scepticism towards fluoride, the scientific proofs are still valid. If questioned, please see this article that describes the positive effects of fluoride:

Twetman S et al, (2003) Caries‐preventive effect of fluoride toothpaste: a systematic review, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 61:6, 347-355

What electric toothbrushes are Jordan's electric toothbrush heads compatible with?

Jordan refill brush heads fit almost all electric toothbrushes that use oscillating (rotating) technology. The majority of the brushes you find on the market use this technology, including Oral-B. For a full compatibility list visit: